
Registration Fees

  • All international participants should register through the online registration system.
  • The registration will be confirmed as “completed” after the full payment.
Qualification  On-site Participation  Online Participation 
Pre-Registration  On-site Registration 
Physician, Clinician  USD 70 USD 80 Free 
Fellow , Resident, Nurse, Technician  USD 50 USD 60
Industries, Others  USD 60 USD 70
Student  Free  Free 
foreigners living in Korea

※ Registration fee includes luncheon session meals on 10/28-29.

Payment Option

Only Bank Transfer available

Bank Information 
Name of Bank  Woori Bank 
Account Holder  Cardiovascular Research Center (CVRC) 
Account Number  1005-501-396305 

※ When you make a bank transfer, please make sure to include your full name to recognize you easier.


After you complete online registration successfully, you will receive an automated confirmation letter via E-mail. If you do not receive it, please contact conference secretariat at

Refund Regulation of Registration Fee

Request for cancellation, please send you an email via the secretariat.
Refund will be processed within 1 month after the symposium is finished.
- You can receive 100 % of the registration fee no later than October 13, 2022.
- You cannot receive the entire registration fee after October 14, 2022.

Registration Inquiries

E-mail: / Tel. +82-2-6002-1391 or 1382